Comparative Study of Matrix Fiber Adhesion of Tannin/Vegetable Fiber, Tannin/Synthetic Fiber and Epoxy Composite Materials


  • Aslain Brisco Ngnassi Djami Department of Fundamental Sciences and Techniques of Engineer, Chemical Engineering and Mineral Industries School, University of Ngaoundere, Ngaoundere, Cameroon
  • Corneille Roosvelt Takoudjou Fossi Department of Mechanical Engineering, National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences, University of Ngaoundere, Ngaoundere, Cameroon



Kenaf fibers, Resin, Alkalization, Pull-Out Tests, Fiber/matrix interface shear strength.


This paper aims to compare the fiber-matrix adhesion of epoxy/kenaf and tannin/kenaf composite materials. Pull-out tests were performed to assess the shear strength at the fiber-matrix interface. The observations are correlated with statistical analyses. The results showed that the shear strength at the fiber-matrix interface was significantly higher for kenaf fibers treated with 0.5 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and coupled with epoxide (0.1390 N/mm²) compared to the same fibers treated and coupled with a tannin-based vegetable matrix (0.0903 N/mm²). However, this treatment caused a slight reduction in the tensile strength of the fibers. The surface of the treated kenaf fibers is very clean; the disappearance of impurities such as wax and oil led to improved molecular cohesion on the surface of the treated kenaf fibers, suggesting enhanced fiber-matrix adhesion. In fact, the absorption and dispersion energies on the fiber surface increased with the sodium hydroxide treatment and alkalization.


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How to Cite

Comparative Study of Matrix Fiber Adhesion of Tannin/Vegetable Fiber, Tannin/Synthetic Fiber and Epoxy Composite Materials. (2024). Reports in Mechanical Engineering, 5(1), 13-32.